These are expenses you have to pay to state and local agencies, even if you paid cash for the house and didn't need a mortgage:
Transfer Taxes – Required by some localities to transfer the title and deed from the seller to the buyer.
Deed Recording Fees – To pay for the County Clerk to record the deed and mortgage, and to change the property tax billing.
Pro-Rated Taxes – Such as school taxes and municipal taxes may need to be split between the buyer and the seller since they are due at different times of the year. For example, if taxes are due in October and you close in August, you would owe taxes for 2-months, and the seller would owe for the other 10-months. Pro-rated taxes are usually paid based on the number of days, not months of ownership. Some lenders may require you to set up an escrow account to cover these bills. If not, you may want to set one up yourself to insure the funds are set aside for these important expenses.
State & Local Fees – Other state and local mortgage taxes and fees may apply.
About Us
United Lending has been helping customers afford the home of their dreams for many years.
Getting a home loan with United Lending is easier than you think. With over a decade of mortgage experience, we make the process of securing a mortgage simple and straightforward by offering you the latest in financial tools that enable you to make sound financial choices.
"Finding The Right Mortgage Option For You Is Our Business".