When doing your comparison shopping for lenders consider that lenders can structure financing in many ways:
Charge higher fees, and offer a low interest rate.
Charge a higher interest rate with lower fees.
Ask each lender what their interest rate is for a zero discount point loan that’s based on a 30-day or 60-day lock period.
Ask each lender what they charge for an origination fee.
Ask each lender what they typically charge for a loan, i.e. fees for brokers, processing, underwriting, etc.
About Us
United Lending has been helping customers afford the home of their dreams for many years.
Getting a home loan with United Lending is easier than you think. With over a decade of mortgage experience, we make the process of securing a mortgage simple and straightforward by offering you the latest in financial tools that enable you to make sound financial choices.
"Finding The Right Mortgage Option For You Is Our Business".